At Gogoa Mobility Robots, we are proud to share the exciting progress in the UG Zaintza Lab project. We have started patient assessments using our innovative adaptive exoskeleton, HANK. This revolutionary technology allows us to scientifically measure patients' movement patterns and strength, giving us an objective and accurate assessment of their frailty index.
As part of the European FAP project, funded by DHI Hero, we have developed a frailty diagnostic model. Our main objective is to eliminate the subjectivity of traditional assessments by providing those being assessed with real and objective data on their physical state.
Our methodology is based on establishing a correlation between the ordinary subjective frailty measure (SPPB) and the various measures obtained through the interaction between the user and our FAP prototype. We have created a technology-measured frailty scale that correlates with the SPPB scale used in traditional frailty measurements. This scale is based on three parameters measured by the FAP prototype: cadence, step interaction deviation and angular position deviation.
We are excited to offer a tool to assess frailty more accurately and based on real data. We strongly believe that this technology will have a significant impact on the care of dependent persons by providing a scientific basis for decision-making and treatment planning.
Furthermore, we will continue to share the progress and results obtained in this pilot project. If you would like to learn more about our technology, we invite you to visit our website or contact us.
Project developed with the support of UGGASA, the Mancomunidad de Urola Garaia and Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.
Together, we are moving towards quality, science-based care for dependent people!