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Gogoa boasts a highly skilled multidisciplinary team spanning areas such as industrial design, engineering, robotics, biomedicine, administration, marketing, psychology, and neurological physiotherapy. It focuses on researching, designing, and developing products and services for robotic neuro-rehabilitation and assisted mobility. Additionally, it expands into new business areas such as industrial, military, and sports exoskeletons, with projects like 

Cyber Human Systems and Levier.

Gogoa CEO

Carlos F. Isoird

- CEO, Founding Partner -

Gogoa CTO

Juantxu Martín

- Founding Partner -

- CTO -

Gogoa Director Financiero

Iñigo Urkidi

- Founding Partner -

- Financial administrator -

Gogoa director de software

Javi Fínez

- Founding Partner -

- Software Director -

Gogoa director de IDI

Guillermo Asín 

- Director of R&D&I -

Galder Arego Gogoa responsable de marketing y estrategia de marca

Galder Arego

- Head of Marketing & Brand Strategy -

Gogoa gestor comercial

Juan Izeta

- Head of Growth and Commercial Management -

Gogoa gestora tecnica


- Technical and Commercial Manager -

Gogoa diseñador mecanico

Miguel Aguilar

- Mechanical Design Manager -

Gogoa responsable de calidad

Iker Bermeosolo

- RA/QA Manager -



Movex Clinics fisioterapeuta

Sara García

- Head of Physiotherapy specialising

in Neurology -

- Movex Clinics Bilbao -

Movex Clinics fisioterapeuta

Maite Molinuevo

- Head of Physiotherapy specialising

in Neurology &

Clinic Coordinator -

- Movex Living Lab -

Movex Clinics socio

Tato de Zubicaray

- Movex Clinics' Partner -

Movex Clinics socio

Gorka Arteso

- Movex Clinics' Partner -

Movex Clinics fisioterapeuta

Mara Gozalo

- Physiotherapist specialising in Neurology -

Movex Clinics fisioterapeuta

Izadi Arostegui

- Physiotherapist specialising in Neurology -

Movex Clinics asistente de fisioterapeuta

Lander García

- Physiotherapy assistant -

Movex Clinics administrativa

Maria Jose
de la Hoz

- Administrative -

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